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It All Starts With A Want

Scott Couchenour • Nov 13, 2020

Every journey of excellence begins with a want.

What is a want?

A want is desired destination, a longing for something that I don’t currently possess, or feel that I don’t possess (I may think I don't possess it when I actually do). The dictionary states that a want is a deficiency or lack of something, or a desire for something.

I believe a want is a signal telling me that there is something about my life that is not yet excellent. It’s a signal of latent excellence, similar to how pain is the body’s signal that something isn’t right. Unfortunately, we get used to pain and surrender to it without knowing what a pain-free life feels like. It’s the same with excellence. We get so used to in-excellence that we surrender to it. This is what is called Uninformed or Unconscious Incompetence.

For example, let’s say I look down at my shoes and realize that I can’t see them like I used to because my shirt sticks out too far. This bothers me. Why? Because I weigh more than I need to for my age and height. My eating habits were established during my Unconscious Incompetence. Now, being Conscious of my Incompetence, I want to lose weight. That's my want.

"We get used to pain and surrender

to it without knowing what a

pain-free life looks like."

This want is a signal that there is something not yet excellent in my life. I must lower my calorie intake over time to reach Conscience Competence. This won’t be easy. I will go through emotional stages and if I do not give up when it gets tough, I will succeed at becoming Competent until it develops into Unconscious Competence - a way of life.

On Purpose

The truth is that we were designed on purpose for a purpose. Fulfilling that purpose means expressing this purposeful design. However, when I'm not expressing that purpose, I have a desire. I long for something. I search for it. I grasp at options hoping they will satisfy. What does a want show me? That Excellence is not yet present. It is through Excellence that I reach the fullest expression of my unique, God-given design.

Action Step

  • Identify an Unconscious Incompetence in your own life.
  • Identify your goal (want) or Conscious Incompetence.
  • Grow your Competence in that area until it becomes Conscious Competence – a new way of life.

Note: The terms Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, and Unconscious Competence were from what I picked up from the book by James Clear entitled, Atomic Habits (which has been #1 or #2 on the New York Times Bestselling list for all of 2020.)

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four stages of competence

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